The EKF Kyu Grade National Championships 13.01.2019
The English Kyu Grade National Championship 2019.
We organised our entry to this tournament throughout December and I was a little disappointed that so many key players refused to attend. But I knew I had 5 or 6 talented kids who deserved the support and I should enter even if just for them and that is exactly what I did.
Dokan entered 22 students which is a medium sized squad for us and like I say it lacked depth. The tournament itself looked set to be a nightmare with 1100 entries and a computer predicted finish time of 00.40am. But I did not worry too much, by this point everything was booked and what would be, would be. I was looking forward to the weekend regardless.
I knew immediately this was not going to be like last year’s hideous affair. The atmosphere was completely different and with Sarah on the mic and Pauls team running the show things got off to an incredibly efficient start. There is not much to say about the comp, they are all similar, good decisions, bad decisions, good luck and bad luck it is part and parcel of the day. Very few students under performed and more students excelled. Outstanding were Archie Mcguire and Emily Sproat. I feel I should mention Laila Hunnam, who medalled in all four of her categories. The whole squad gave it their best shot and although I sit and shout at them from the coach’s chair, I was pleased with our overall performance throughout the event. We were level on points with the winning association, and one gold medal from being that winning association. We ended the day in a very respectable fourth position and I thoroughly enjoyed the entire weekend. (except the eating too much bit).
2019 National Champions = / Emma Snaith / Isabella Shields / Sophie Hiles / Emily Sproat / Archie Mcguire. Brilliant stuff.
By gum it was a grand weekend.
The Palmer look The Palmer look
Wow ! Gold for Sophie Hiles a national champion Wow ! Gold for Sophie Hiles a national champion
Well done lads its good to have a laugh Well done lads its good to have a laugh
Isabella Shields Isabella Shields
The x 2 golden team The x 2 golden team
A top Leicester take away A top Leicester take away
4th place. Good job done. 4th place. Good job done.
Josh Cambrook Josh Cambrook
Fantastic spirit with Reuben leading the lads on. Fantastic spirit with Reuben leading the lads on.
Isabella, being robbed. Isabella, being robbed.