Dokan competition 6th of February

This is one of three posts that I will do this week, as I can only add 80 photos. And I am having facebook problems. It will not allow me to tag or comment. Regardless I hope you enjoy looking through these and that your child enjoyed the experience of competing. These photo's were taken by Lyndsey Gates on my outdated camera. Thanks Lyndsey. Next post will be the photo's by John Bearby and if you want more look up Monika Baxter who took some good ones too.
There will be a photo of me awarding the top external club trophy on the next batch of photos later this week.

Second batch of photos from our Dokan karate competition, many thanks to John Bearby. Congratulations to Eddie of Kenshin Kai who won the top external club award, there is a photo of us hansom chaps as I present him with the crystal glass trophy.

I hosted this tournament to give novices an opportunity to compete and hopefully win an award, by creating multiple low grade and young children categories. It was successful in this goal and the feedback has been the best ever. 560 entries from 18 karate clubs and five areas running none stop all day with the help of 30 Dokan volunteers saw the club bond better than ever before. The teenagers helped the new students be in the right places and with belts etc and the thirty high grades I entered were there for one another throughout the day.

Dokan have clubs open 7 days a week with 3 specific starter classes aiming to introduce children to karate in the best possible manner.