Presentation Night December 2023

There are 3 aspects to me arranging these parties. 1. To raise cash for the funds (which this year was spent on your kids competition fees) 2. To present certificates and awards. 3. Most importantly to get the students together outside of the dojo and away from training to have a nice time together and a bit fun. My club would run in exactly the same manner without them and save me and Ali an unbelievable amount of hassle.

A summary.
We start weeks ahead collecting prizes and selling tickets, until my house is more cluttered than a jumble sale. Two days before the event Ali sorts the stuff into prizes and tombola. Eleisha helps with the tombola tickets etc. This takes all day. On the Saturday I load my car with banners and trophies. Boot, back seats and front seat all full. I help Ali load her car in the same manner with prizes. Sunday morning Ali is up just before 6.00am to prepare party food, we take so much that Eleisha has to bring her car to carry it all. Sunday at 12.45 we go to the club and if we are lucky a few parents turn up to help us carry everything upstairs and set the hall up. This includes tables and chairs which aren't in place. We finish the party at 8.00 and everyone leaves as we pack away with the Two Steves (PA people).

No one offered to carry anything downstairs to the carpark and why should they? I made 9 trips just with my banners and stuff, and Ali and Eleisha did the food trays. Once home Ali stands washing up till bedtime about 11.00. She sees nothing of the party, I see it all but can't really talk to anyone as we are too busy.

Monday awaits with a full day of unpacking and tidying away.

For me and Ali the only reward we get is seeing happy posts on facebook, and a handful of text messages. Doing the presentation night is a three day operation for us.